Curated Tracer Loop Layouts



Designed with you in mind

Our Curated Layouts have been thoughtfully designed to create a stunning visual display that works with a variety of ceiling areas and heights. The layouts below are organized by recommended ceiling height.

If the Curated Layouts do not fit within your design parameters or you have a specific vision in mind, our expert designers will collaborate with you to create a Custom Layout. Learm more about our Custom Layouts.


Click “Ceiling Area” or “Max Drop” to see all available layouts with the same ceiling area or max drop.

Click “Ceiling Area” or “Max Drop” to see all available layouts with the same ceiling area or max drop.

Click “Ceiling Area” or “Max Drop” to see all available layouts with the same ceiling area or max drop.

Click “Ceiling Area” or “Max Drop” to see all available layouts with the same ceiling area or max drop.